This week we count down the top 10 moments in film that gave you goosebumps all over.
10. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. The Moment: Frodo and Sam are crawling up Mt Doom, malnutrition and the effect of the Ring well and truly kicking in. As Frodo collapses with exhaustion, he is comforted by Sam who reminds him of the home comforts of the Shire. Teary-eyed, he states 'I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!' before picking him up and dragging him up the mountain. 9. Braveheart The Moment: After Scottish freedom fighter, William Wallace's, death, his army stands across the fields of Bannockburn, with the intention to negotiate a deal with the English army. BFF, Haemish, takes up Wallace's sword before hurling it in the air towards the battlefield before the army charges at the English. Yes, it is probably the most historically inaccurate film ever made, but there's no denying that this scene will give you goosebumps. 8. Gladiator The Moment: Maximus (Russel Crowe) and his fellow gladiator's are stood in the middle of the Colosseum awaiting their opponents. The gates fly open and a dozen horse drawn carriages (with unfortunately placed gas canisters) charge into the arena, circling the group, and the battle commences. The battle itself is a bloodthirsty triumph, however, equally commending is the post-carnage scene, where Emperor Commodus (Joaquin Phoenix) approaches Maximus demanding him to reveal his identity. You all know what happens next... 7. Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope The Moment: Seemingly a goner after Darth Vader has him in his sights, Luke is rescued by the last minute heroics of Han and Chewie in the Falcon ('Yahoo!'). Cue Luke's opportunity to deliver a critical torpedo strike to (in the most conveniently placed weak spot) the Death Star. They then sore off into the distance as the Death Star explodes behind them. 6. Up The Moment: After the heartbreaking opening 10 minutes, Up needs a something to put a smile back on the audiences faces. It certainly gets it in abundance when Carl, about to be whisked off to a retirement home, attaches thousands of helium balloons to his house before taking off into the air, in one last middle finger to the authorities. The rich colours from the balloons and Michael Giachinno's wonderful music, wont fail to put a smile on your face. 5. The Shawshank Redemption The Moment: When convicted murderer Andy Dufresne disappears, Warden Norton inspects his cell before throwing a rock at a poster of Racquel Welch, revealing a long tunnel hidden behind it. We then see a flashback revealing Andy's breakout from Shawshank through a pipe of nastiness, emerging at the end before falling to his knees in the rain, laughing. It's everyone's second-favourite film for a reason. 4. Drive The Moment: The Driver (Ryan Gosling) and love interest, Irene (Carey Mulligan) are in an elevator with a potential hitman, intent on murdering the pair of them. The Driver pushes her to one side kissing her slowly before swiftly beating the hitman down, head-stomping him to death. It's a wonderfully emotional moment contrasted with a moment of absolute brutality. 3. The Truman Show The Moment: Truman takes to his yacht to escape, after discovering his entire life is part of a reality TV show controlled by God-figure, Christof. He then crashes into the set of the wall an is confronted by the omnipotent voice of his maker. In one last act of defiance, Truman spouts his catchphrase (you all know the one!), before exiting the studio with a low bow. Cue audiences everywhere punching the air in triumph! 2. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers The Moment: During the monumental battle of Helms Deep, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, et al, have barricaded themselves inside, with Sauruman's army of Uruk Hai breaking down the door. They decide on one last hurrah by charging the army once the door is broken down and fighting to the death. That is until Gandalf arrives in the nick of time with Eomer and his reinforcements before charging at the thousand-strong army, saving the day, all in glorious slow motion and wonderful score. 1. E.T. The Extra Terrestrial The Moment: Elliot and his friends are fleeing from the authorities with E.T. precariously perched in the wicker basket on the front of his bike. After a daring chase through the suburbs of California, and seemingly safe, the gang is ambushed by the police where they are apparently blocked in. Cue E.T. using his telekinetic powers to send the bikes soaring into the air out of the reach of the gun/walkie-talkie equipped authorities and off into the sunset. This moment, perfectly matched with John William's iconic musical score, ensures the hairs on the back of your neck will be standing for days to come. And here it is in all its glory...
Do you agree/disagree? Did we miss any of your favourites off the list? Have your say below.
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