Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Top 10: Film Comebacks

Top 10 Film Comebacks

As a follow up to our previous Top 10 Film Insults, this week we count down the top 10 film comebacks. Expect burns a-plenty!

10: Pitch Perfect
Whilst attending a party, Bumper attempts some unsuccessful flirting with rival a Capella group member, and self-titled, Fat Amy.
The Opener: ‘I have a feeling we should kiss. Is that a good feeling or an incorrect feeling?’
The Comeback: ‘Well…sometimes I get the feeling I can do crystal meth, but then I think, mmm…better not.’

9: Happy Gilmore
Golfing rivals Happy Gilmore (Adam Sandler) and Shooter McGavin (Christopher McDonald) engage in serious(ish) trash talk after the latter purchases Gilmore’s grandmothers’ house from right under his nose.
The Opener: ‘I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast’
The Comeback: ‘You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?’

8: Superbad
Foul-mouthed Seth (Jonah Hill) picks up best friend Evan (Michael Cera) for school, but not before staring lustfully at his mother.
The Opener: ‘I am truly jealous you got to suck on those tits when you were a baby’
The Comeback: ‘Yeah, well at least you got to suck on your dad’s dick’

7: The Big Lebowski
A rival bowling team, led by Jesus Quintana (John Turturro) approaches The Dude and his teammates and begins to intimidate the trio. In steps The Dude with possibly the most intellectual comeback of all time.
The Opener: ‘You ready to be fucked, man? I see you rolled your way into the semis. Dios mio, man. Liam and me, we’re gonna fuck you up.’
The Comeback: ‘Yeah, well, you know, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.

6: The Dark Knight
The Joker (Heath Ledger) interrupts a meeting with a mob, in whom he has previously ripped off, with his plans to eliminate Batman. Naturally there’s a little tension in the room until Gambol erupts with anger leading to a simple but brutally effective comeback from our favourite psychotic clown.
The Opener: ‘You think you can take all of our money and just walk away?!’
The Comeback: ‘Yeah.’

5: Airplane
With a jumbo jet full of sickened passengers and crew, Dr. Rumack (Leslie Nielsen) asks former fighter pilot Ted Striker (Robert Hays) to take control of the plane and land it safely.
The Opener: ‘Surely you can’t be serious?’
The Comeback: ‘I am serious. And don’t call me Shirley.’

4: Mean Girls

Janis is no stranger to bullies therefore has a fair amount of ammunition in her locker when they insult her.
The Opener: ‘Nice wig, Janis. What’s it made of?’
The Comeback: ‘Your mom’s chest hair!’

3: Easy A
After being labelled a ‘skank’ at her school, Olive Penderghast (Emma Stone) decides to live up to her reputation by wearing a selection of revealing outfits to school, which does not go down well with the school Christian community.
The Opener: ‘Perhaps you should embroider a red A on your wardrobe, you abominable tramp.’
The Comeback: ‘Perhaps you should get a wardrobe you abominable twat.’

2: Avengers Assemble
After being thrown together by Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson), the motley group of superheroes find it difficult to get along, particularly Captain America (Chris Evans) and Iron Man (Rober Downey Jnr).
The Opener: ‘Big man in a suit of armour. Take that away and what are you?’
The Comeback: ‘Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist.’

1: The Social Network
Socially awkward genius Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) is sat in his lawsuit trial, facing allegations of intellectual property theft from the Winklevoss (Armie Hammer) twins claiming he stole their idea for Facebook. It’s safe to assume that the trial does not have the full attention of Mr Zuckerberg.
The Opener: Okay, no. You don’t think I deserve your full attention.
The Insult:’ I think if your clients want to sit on my shoulders and call themselves tall, they have the right to give it a try - but there's no requirement that I enjoy sitting here listening to people lie. You have part of my attention - you have the minimum amount. The rest of my attention is back at the offices of Facebook, where my colleagues and I are doing things that no one in this room, including and especially your clients, are intellectually or creatively capable of doing. Did I adequately answer your condescending question?

Did we miss any of your favourites? Have your say below.

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